New Lease On Life With Weight Loss Surgery

Alex lost over 140 lbs and discovered a healthier relationship with food.

Alex Sipko - Before Weight Loss & Gastric Sleeve Surgery - October 2011

Alex Sipko - Before Weight Loss & Gastric Sleeve Surgery - October 2011

At 390 pounds, I could not get out of a chair on my own. My weight-related health issues included a swollen liver, high blood pressure and high heart rate. I was never embarrassed about my size but I wanted to see my children grow up and I wanted to be around when my grandchildren were born. I knew I needed to make a change.

Health care officials suggested weight loss pills. To me, medication was not the answer. We discussed lap-band surgery but there was a four to five year wait time. My doctor of 25 years simply advised, “Get off your lazy ass and work out.”

I contacted Global Healthcare in August 2011 to address my obesity problem. I began to change my eating habits and lost 40 pounds. Adele Kulyk referred me to a food therapist who helped me to overcome my emotional attachment to food and I lost another 45 pounds. I no longer live to eat; now I eat to live.

At 305 pounds, I was ready to have vertical gastric sleeve surgery. Having heard all the negative press about Mexico, I was nervous about travelling there for the surgery but after a two and a half hour meeting with Adele Kulyk, who had been to the hospital herself, I felt confident. Prior to surgery the doctors and staff explained everything thoroughly, further bolstering my confidence.

I traveled to Almater Hospital in Mexicali, Mexico in December 2011. Everything felt comfortable right from arrival to departure. 

After a successful surgery and a speedy recovery, I was back at work early. My entire lifestyle changed.   I am running again and I learned to scuba dive – a dream I had given up years ago because I was out of shape.

I left my hourly wage job and went out on my own. This morning I was working on a floor when I realized I could not have physically done this job a mere 15 months ago.  I am so blessed to have dealt with Global Healthcare Connections, Dr. Aceves, Dr. Campos and the medical staff at Almater Hospital. 

My dreams of seeing my children grow up and being around for my future grandchildren are also a reality. Spending time with my family has brought us so much closer.Today I weigh just 250 pounds and I am still losing weight. My dreams of seeing my children grow up and being around for my future grandchildren are also a reality. I no longer live to eat; now I eat to live. I am so blessed to have dealt with Global Healthcare Connections, Dr. Aceves, Dr. Campos and the medical staff at Almater Hospital.

Alex after 140 pound weight loss - finding freedom in health.

Alex after 140 pound weight loss - finding freedom in health.



Struggling To Lose Weight?
You're Not Alone. 

we'll help you make the right connections

Heather Pinay

Heather Pinay is a business consultant with expertise in digital marketing. Heather owns Authentically: Business & Life Solutions, making an impact with inbound marketing, graphic design, and social media marketing. As an educator, Heather frequently shares at conferences and seminars to empower people for building the successful businesses they invision. Heather is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council.

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